“They actually covered this in school, although we still had conversations at home regarding sexuality and gender diversity. I think we just talked about gender roles as perceived by society, heterosexuality and homosexuality and gender fluidity and whether people are born that way or decide for themselves at puberty (or maybe before). How people who are not heterosexual are often treated by society etc. How men and women should be treated as equals. Not to be homophobic. Pink toys and Blue toys and how ridiculous that is. They all played with dolls and a kiddie kitchen, by choice. The glass ceiling for women and how it is slowly changing. Prominent women in politics, science and business etc."
Monday, 24 April 2017
DOCUMENTARY: Reference Material [Elisha quote]
“okay so all i remember for sex ed was basics, like we were taught about things we already knew really or like what parents would tell their kids.
There wasn't much diversity at all, for the girls we were taught about straight sex and protection and everything but there was nothing on gay sex.
They didn't teach us about other genders or homosexuality at all, i feel like their method was 'make sure they don't get pregnant' rather than teach everyone about love and whatnot.
Schools should teach kids about the variety of genders and sexualities because there are so many kids questioning themselves and if they don't get told about it they think of themselves as abnormal and can cause them distress and mental problems.
Honestly I remember leaving the class and thinking 'that wasn't helpful to me at all', people like me have had the internet to rely on because we know that we will not get taught it in school.”
There wasn't much diversity at all, for the girls we were taught about straight sex and protection and everything but there was nothing on gay sex.
They didn't teach us about other genders or homosexuality at all, i feel like their method was 'make sure they don't get pregnant' rather than teach everyone about love and whatnot.
Schools should teach kids about the variety of genders and sexualities because there are so many kids questioning themselves and if they don't get told about it they think of themselves as abnormal and can cause them distress and mental problems.
Honestly I remember leaving the class and thinking 'that wasn't helpful to me at all', people like me have had the internet to rely on because we know that we will not get taught it in school.”
DOCUMENTARY: Reference Material [Skye Quote]
“Sex education on the national curriculum does not draw enough attention to sexual diversity and uses very cisnormative language, equating penises to being a man and vaginas to being a woman. Intersex people were never spoken of and trans issues remained hidden during the only discussion on LGBT issues (which consisted of PowerPoint with a slide of gay celebrities and a caption that read "these people are gay, do you feel any differently about them now you know this?" yes, really).
The curriculum surrounding sex education did not provide me, or other LGBT folk, with any knowledge or resources. This resulted in me identifying (unhappily) as male for THREE YEARS after i discovered transgender people. Because if I wasn't female, I MUST be male, right? More needs to be done about sex education in schools to help LGBT youth discover themselves. It won't make more kids gay/bi/trans, it'll make more kids themselves”
DOCUMENTARY: Reference Material [Mao Quote]
“well sex education pissed me off. I tried to ask questions to the teacher about sex between two mans or two womans, or even for people in between, and the teacher just ignored me, while the whole class was laughing. i don't know, i was curious and just ended making myself look stupid it really made me uncomfortable, and made me thinking that i was weird i think that should change because i know that man other people ended like me many* and that many kids were feeling bad about this sorry that's a topic that really makes me angry”
DOCUMENTARY: Reference Material [Chloe Quote]
"Something which has always eluded me is what is the point of sex education? Literally, what is the point? In year 6, we had “sex education”, it wasn’t really. It didn’t mention sex, nor relationships. It was more puberty education, but all I remember is being told we need to wash our hair more as we hit puberty. Thanks. We were told that if we had any questions we had to write them on a piece of paper and put them in a box on the front desk. I understand it’s embarrassing to ask some questions, but the point is- it shouldn’t be. I shouldn’t be made to feel that asking questions about sex is so shameful I can only ask them anonymously. Sex education in high school, was again not sex or relationship education. Instead it was biology: we labelled diagrams. Thanks, now I know where ovaries are. In PSE/PSHE we had one lesson about contraception (this lesson also included drugs, it was kind of Two Awkward Subjects In One). The only thing I remember is a video of a couple going into a shed to have sex. The teacher mentioned ‘Dutch Double’, which is, I think, where you use condoms and the pill. Everything I know about sex, I know through TV/media, friends, and Google. Quickly: I understand British people to be awkward about sex. Someone suggested to me the other day that this is because we don’t dance, if you look at Latin American dance it suggests they have a much healthier relationship with their bodies. Having said that, I am more awkward talking about sex than most. I wonder (and I have to say wonder, because I am not yet sure how to label myself) if this is because I am uncomfortable with the term “hetrosexual”. I have considered asexuality, and bisexuality, but I’m not quite certain and that’s okay. The embarrassing thing is, I didn’t even know what asexuality was until a few years ago. Becoming more and more common is transgender/non-binary gender, which I didn’t know anything about until my Dad came out as transgender two years ago. My Dad has grown up and lived not knowing what was wrong with him/her. This is not how people should be made to feel. Equally, one of my best friends now identifies as gay, but, as is quite common, he went straight-bi-straight-gay-bi before finally realising he is gay. As I am a drama student, I met very early on lots of gay people, and it was a fairly normal part of my teenage life. A friend of mine is a devout Christian and until she went to university hadn’t really met someone who publically identifies as homosexual. She messaged me saying “gay people are so much fun!” a few weeks into university (we shall ignore the blatant, but accidental, homophobic prejustice there!). She also said she was never against homosexuality, she just doesn’t encourage it. That, in itself, shows just how lacking LGBTQ+ sex/relationship education is. I once asked in a school council meeting if we could improve sex education, and I was told it was up to the government. Bullshit is it. It’s up to individual schools to stop wasting our time in RE/PSE classes reading the same Eurocentric, heteronormative, misogynist crap we’re taught and teach us something useful! Teach us about safe sex, teach us how a relationship works, tell us what oral sex is, tell us that women should be comfortable to get pleasure from sex because they are not fleshlights, tell us what sex toys are, tell us that masturbation is not shameful, then tell us how babies are made."
DOCUMENTARY: Reference Material [Libby Quote]
"It's basically as if trans people don't exist within the concept of sex, nor LGBT people at all. The only couples that we talk about are cis straight ones. Sitting there as kid who's questioning and being shown "this is what's normal" is crushing because it feels like there's no space for you in the world. It's also really unhelpful for cis straight kids too because they have no exposure to LGBT people so they never see anything beyond this idea of normal either. I asked one of my teachers why there's never any LGBT content and I was told that was "inappropriate". Basically the education board seems to have forgotten that we exist"
DOCUMENTARY: Production Prep [Casting List V1 (Final revision copied from Google Docs)]
(Full names removed for safety purposes)
M.D., Skye (They/Them) - transgender/non-binary/Agender 19 years old came out at 14
L, Elisha (19) - Questioning
L, Debbie (49) - Mother
L, Darrell (49) - Father
L, Molly (13) - secondary school cishet student
P.B, Chloe - Asexual 19 years old
J, Stuart - Green Party Rep
V, Anjali - Indian student
C, Hilary - MGSDC Representative
Libby (They/Them) --- transgender/non-binary 14 years old
Chloe --- Agender 18 years
Mao -- transgender teen (from Normandy)
P, Jo (Mother of secondary children - also asked) - Messaged
W, Zoe (Secondary school teacher) - Messaged
L.B, Jonathan - (secondary school - cishet)
K, Michelle (Danny’s Aunt) - Primary Educator
N.S, Nicola - Ex-Home schooling parent
Saturday, 22 April 2017
DOCUMENTARY: BBC Three Research [Happy Man: Happy in Myself]
Uplifting, pop music and comedic style gives a happier view on serious message of mental health
Joke about being misgendered in gay bar sets up episode on body confidence and positivity
Voice over and home photos gives personal reasoning for exploring subject
Challenges self to be life drawn by artists
Voice over discusses body image and gay community's attitude towards weight and body image
Contrasts stripping down by looking at drag - using make-up etc to find indentity
Interview with drag star, inter-cut with clips of drag act
Creates drag personality
Interviews whilst putting on make-up
Dance sequence of characters in drag - empowering
Ends with stand-up segment tying up series and thanking Ollie (dead friend)
Joke about being misgendered in gay bar sets up episode on body confidence and positivity
Voice over and home photos gives personal reasoning for exploring subject
Challenges self to be life drawn by artists
Voice over discusses body image and gay community's attitude towards weight and body image
Contrasts stripping down by looking at drag - using make-up etc to find indentity
Interview with drag star, inter-cut with clips of drag act
Creates drag personality
Interviews whilst putting on make-up
Dance sequence of characters in drag - empowering
Ends with stand-up segment tying up series and thanking Ollie (dead friend)
Thursday, 20 April 2017
DOCUMENTARY: BBC Three Documentary (Happy Man: Mind Control)
Different clip from stand up show at start of each episode - Sets up comedic view documentary takes on serious subject
Title lays over brick wall with different characters each time
Continues to use stand up to set-up next segment (Exercise to aid mental health)
Interviews runner (whilst running), dicussing their rape and how they used comedy to openly discuss trauma
discusses gender ideals and what 'man' means
Visits hairdressers that doubles as space for men to openly talk with other men
Focuses on a specific niche, using social area of barbers to allow open discussion
Discusses different social backgrounds and communities 'rules' on talking about feelings
Each barber is trained in mental health first aid
Raises idea of this training being commonplace to create a society ready to help
Goes to Scotland to meet cold water swimmer
Interview begins inside in a warm, welcoming environment - discusses swimmer's history with anxiety and how they use cold water swimming to combat feelings
actuality of swimming with v/o on how mental health shifts whilst swimming and how it affects them
followed by Jack attempting to join swim
Scientist's claims to add professional opinion
DOCUMENTARY: BBC Three Documentary (Happy Man:Losing my Best Friend)
Starts with Jack's live stand up show - introduces self as comedian and mental health campigner
Sets up point of show and what's being looked at via montage of clips
Reflexive style - discusses best friend's suicide - Uses old clips and footage of friend
Visits grave - actuality of Jack at grave
Ties in statistics with personal wishes he'd done more
Stand up show is celebrating dead friend - is used to help give context to documentary
Interview one - mother - coffee shop
Discusses gender bias and differing expectations on men
Discusses a parents ole in letting children go through pain whilst needing support
Interview two - dead dad's best friend - his cab (similar to therapy couch for Jack)
Old views not working in modern times
Contrasts mom's views with 'blokesy' male
Stresses im,portance of opening up to fam and friends and being honesty
'Mental breakdown cover' angle to interview civs on street
Asks people what they do on a daily basis
Sets up point of show and what's being looked at via montage of clips
Reflexive style - discusses best friend's suicide - Uses old clips and footage of friend
Visits grave - actuality of Jack at grave
Ties in statistics with personal wishes he'd done more
Stand up show is celebrating dead friend - is used to help give context to documentary
Interview one - mother - coffee shop
Discusses gender bias and differing expectations on men
Discusses a parents ole in letting children go through pain whilst needing support
Interview two - dead dad's best friend - his cab (similar to therapy couch for Jack)
Old views not working in modern times
Contrasts mom's views with 'blokesy' male
Stresses im,portance of opening up to fam and friends and being honesty
'Mental breakdown cover' angle to interview civs on street
Asks people what they do on a daily basis
Friday, 7 April 2017
DOCUMENTARY: Production Prep [The Birds, The Bees and the Rainbows script v2 (Zak Wilkins)]
Montage of children in sex-ed class
On screen text - ‘Current British sex-education claims “it involves teaching children about … sexuality. It doesn’t promote … any particular sexual orientation.” Source: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/sex-and-relationship-education’
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On screen text - ‘Yet over half of secondary school children have not discussed LGBT+ relationships in the classroom. Source: Stonewall Chief Exec Ruth Hunt.’
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TITLE: ‘The Birds, The Bees and The Rainbows.’
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Lead up to int w/ Skye
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Interview in vision
SYNC - Introduces self. (Name, sexuality, gender, pronouns.)
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SYNC - Recounts poor LGBT+ representation from secondary education. Discusses bullying and whether better sex ed could minimise it.
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SYNC - How poor representation affected realizing and accepting identity. Where they found the information.
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On-screen text: It's basically as if trans people don't exist within the concept of sex, nor LGBT people at all. The only couples that we talk about are cis straight ones. [It’s] crushing because it feels like there's no space for you in the world. - Libby (14, Non-Binary)
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Sequence to introduce Molly and parents, Debbie and Darrell - Molly doing homework, Debbie and Darrell prepping dinner etc
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SYNC - Molly - Introduces self. (Name, sexuality, gender, pronouns.)
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SYNC - Explains recently had sex-ed and topics covered. Explains LGBTQ+ rep is poor.
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Actuality of Darrell fixing Debbie’s hair
And interview in motion
SYNC - Darrell and Debbie - Do they think it’s appropriate for children to be learning about LGBTQ+ issues. Would they feel able to answer questions from Molly?
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On-Screen text: With schools unable to answer questions and parents sometimes unwilling, some people turn to the media and internet sources for information.
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SYNC - Chloe - Introduces self. (Name, sexuality, gender, pronouns.)
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SYNC - Felt sex-ed was pointless and turned to tv/internet for information. Struggled with identity because of poor ed, similar to parents and friends.
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On-screen text: Images from the media are often heteronormative and rely on stereotypes to quickly tell audiences about a character.
TV footage of stereotypical homosexual characters, powerful men and sexualised women.
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Actuality - Teachers teaching a class of secondary school teachers.
SYNC - Teacher - Introduces self. (Name, sexuality, gender, job role.)
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SYNC - It’s a struggle to keep immature students interested, staff aren’t always appropriately qualified.
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Actuality - Students discussing work in group.
SYNC - Students - Explaining their understanding of gender and sexual diversity and where this information came from.
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SYNC - Students discussing how comfortable they’d feel asking about LGBTQ+ issues and whether they’d fear judgement from classmates.
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Actuality - MGSDC Rep speaking to a group of students
SYNC - Sex Educator - Introduces self. (Name, sexuality, gender, job role.)
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SYNC - Explains work the organisation does. Discusses the need for sex educators and why school sex ed is failing students.
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On-screen text: In countries such as X, policies are Y and statistics are Z
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SYNC - Introduction of self, country educated in and experience with sex-ed and it’s discussion of LGBT people.
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DOCUMENTARY: Production Prep [The Birds, The Bees and The Rainbows Script v1 (Danny Lewis)]
Opening sequence- of different couples in romantic involvement
Commentary - “In the 21st century
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Title mixes on - “The Birds, The Bees and The Rainbows”
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Seq / actuality of Skye
Voiceover - Skye’s quote for her education
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Interview in a room with skye
Sync - introduction of skye
“What was your school life like?
What was your sexual education like?
Did they talk about different genders and sexulity? What was it like coming out? Was you bullied? Did anyone help?”
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Interview with skye
Sync - “what are you hoping that would change?”
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Seq / actuality of skye
voice over - section 28
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Seq of life
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Seq / actuality of Zoe
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Sync / commentary
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Interview - Skye
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?? or interview of skye or diary or image overlay
Sync 14 year old trans quote
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Commentary - “back with *said worker* at *a school* teaching sex education
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Actuality / seq of *said worker* teaching
Sync - audio from lesson / commentary of what *said worker* is doing
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Seq of students / teachers
Commentary / sync
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Interview with student
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Interview with teacher
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Interview with student
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Interview with teacher
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Interview with *said worker*
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Seq with *said worker* leaving
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Seq / G/V / Actuality of something
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Seq / Actuality of the lewis family
Commentary - introduction
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Interview with Debbie and Darrell Lewis
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Interview with Molly Lewis
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Seq / Actuality of Lewis Family
Music / commentary
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Seq / Actuality of something
Music / commentary
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Seq / Actuality of someone
Music / commentary
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Interview of someone
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Seq / Actuality of someone
Music / commentary
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Interview of someone
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Seq / Actuality of someone
Music / commentary
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Interview of someone
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Seq / Actuality of someone from the green party
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Interview of someone from the green party
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Seq / Actuality of someone from UKIP
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Interview of someone from UKIP
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Seq of life
Commentary concluding the doc
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Mix on ending credits
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